
Generosity changes the world. Inspire your audience by inviting Chris to share the transformational power of Optimal Giving.

Giving represents the best of human nature. Likewise, individuals and institutions in any situation benefit from generosity.

Chris Gabriel is more than an engaging speaker – he offers a process to unlock the power of giving. WISEgenerosity delivers lasting impact regarding the best use of resources in service to healthy relationships for audiences of every age and stage of life. Chris’s availability is limited, but he would love to make time for your organization. Reach out using the form below to make a request.

Chris’s Most Requested Talks

Have you heard the phrase, “You can never be too generous?” Chris agrees but suggests that there is more to this statement than meets the eye.

After decades of research and experience, Chris believes that all giving – Possessional, Personal, Social, Emotional, and Relational – must be meaningful and effective to truly transform individuals, families, organizations, and our world. In other words, generosity must be W.I.S.E.: Well-grounded, Inspired, Satisfying, and Effective. Chris invites his audience towards successful giving and living.

His principles and tools help individuals and organizations engage with others in ways that deliver personal and professional success with intention and impact. Most of all, Chris inspires and equips his audiences to engage WISEgenerosity principles and practices that will improve their lives and the communities around them.

Giving Without Thoughtful Purpose Or Deliberate Process Fails To Deliver On Its Full Potential.

However, generosity paired with meaningful intention and effective planning can have a generational impact. Chris has spent years researching and documenting the why, how, what, where, and when of giving. He is on a mission to help individuals engage their time, talent, and treasure in ways that transform them and the wider world.

There are three parties to significant philanthropic or charitable gifts: the donors, the receiving nonprofit organizations, and the professional advisors who support them. Too often, giving fails to achieve its potential because there is not full communication, coordination, and collaboration among these participants. WISEgenerosity provides the tools and resources needed to deliver optimal results.

In this talk, Chris Gabriel combines his wealth management and fundraising expertise to provide transformational guidance. Chris explains the elements of Optimal Giving and offers inspiring and practical ways to maximize meaning and impact. The result of this W.I.S.E. Giving Process is deeper connections between and more productive outcomes for everyone involved in the giving process from the donor to the nonprofit staff and board to the professional advisor.

Godly Living and Giving

Connecting spiritual inspiration with practical implementation is a challenge in our faith experience. We can hear a message about the Godly importance of generosity but not have guidance to put the principles into practice. Jesus was the ultimate example of sacrificial giving. How are we supposed to follow his example?

Chris uniquely combines years of Biblical teaching, generosity experience, and wealth management expertise to provide life-changing wisdom for faith-based organizations and their leaders and members. This wisdom aims to build a congregational culture of WISEgiving around each member’s generosity of time, treasure, and talent.

Proverbs 11:24–25 is one compelling Scriptural example: “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Chris references this and other timeless teachings to illuminate true Christian generosity.

Chris explains why following God requires generosity, the ways the Bible teaches us to practice being generous, and how giving and Christian discipleship go hand in hand. Following God’s desire for our lives ultimately will move individuals and organizations from danger to protection, from deficiency to provision, from difficulty to power, and from distraction to peace in finances and in life. Invite Chris to show you and your audience how.

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