WISEgenerosity . . . provides a guide for understanding generosity at a deep level.
DAVE RAMSEY, national bestselling author
and host of The Ramsey Show
Understand and harness the
transformative power of
Optimal Giving.
Optimal Giving is maximizing the benefits of generosity for everyone involved.
We are what we give. Experience the full potential of generosity. While generosity involves much more than just money, harness the full potential of financial giving by framing within the principles of W.I.S.E. Giving: Well-Grounded, Inspired, Satisfying, and Effective.
Your donors are not just a source of money. Transform these critical connections by progressing from one-time transactions to partnerships supporting your mission now and for years to come.
Philanthropic and charitable giving are the shortest and strongest path to positive, multi-generational relationships with your clients. Optimal Giving creates purposeful and productive outcomes that support your clients, nurture their families, and transform the causes they care about.
20th Anniversary: Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Celebration
Atlanta, GA | Dec 4, 2024
Highland Park United Methodist Church: Working Faith Event
Dallas, TX | Oct 24, 2024
Charlottesville Area Planned Giving Council: Fall Program
Charlottesville, VA | Oct 16, 2024
Chris Gabriel’s book, WISEgenerosity, will help you apply the transformative power of giving to turn your time into treasure, your money into meaning, and your success into significance. Join with Chris, as he shares inspiring stories and personal testimonials garnered through decades of experience in nonprofits and wealth management to demonstrate the purpose AND the productivity of giving, Learn how generosity can benefit every area of your life from resources to relationships.

Chris Gabriel
With over 30 years of leadership in the fields of philanthropy and finance, Chris Gabriel is uniquely able to advise on the topic of inspired and effective giving using a process he personally created: WISEgenerosity. Chris currently oversees a thriving wealth management practice at one of the country’s leading investment firms and is a Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®), a designation sponsored by the Investments & Wealth Institute™ through the Wharton School of Business. As a financial advisor, Chris empowers the individuals and institutions he serves to accomplish their most important goals today and in years to come. Optimal Giving is a focus of Chris’s work, uniquely combining philosophy and finance. Through experiences and decades of research and relationships, Chris has developed a framework that unlocks the potential of generosity. In order for individuals and organizations to experience the full power of giving, it must be W.I.S.E.: Well-grounded, Inspired, Satisfying, and Effective. Chris shares transformational resources here on his website, through his advisory work, and in the forthcoming book, WISEgenerosity.