The Transformation Program: What if I told you that a pill exists to produce a happier, longer, more satisfying, and more successful life?  There are no menacing side-effects.  In fact, research shows that the benefits far outweigh the costs.  Would you seek out this miracle drug?  Likely, yes.

What it if the pure source to fulfill these desires isn’t a drug but an attitude combined with actions?  What then?  Would you embark on this transformational program?  I imagine so.

Well, there is such a source of vitality, and we all have access to it.  It is generosity.

Curious?  Let’s consider a life-changing scenario….

The Lottery Question

Imagine that you just won the lottery and suddenly had more money than you know what to do with.  Go ahead.  Close your eyes and consider.  What comes to mind first?

Would you buy a new house or redecorate the one you have?  Drive off the lot in a sleek new car?  Why stop there?  How about a boat?  A plane?  Would you take a dream vacation?  Upgrade your wardrobe?  Eat gourmet meals prepared by a personal chef?  After a few minutes, the game wears thin.  You sense that the fantasy life would be enjoyable but somehow empty.

OK, this approach does seem selfish.  But the money still would be worth having, right?  You can help people too – family, friends, needy folks in your community.  You’d share.  After all, you’re a good person.  But how would you start sharing?  And where would you end?

Of course, there is much more to life than wealth.  Regardless of how much money we possess, we all have unique abilities and attributes that can be useful to ourselves and to others.  What are we supposed to do with them in order to live well and to be the best version of ourselves?

Let’s take a step farther back.  If you had no limits, what would you do with your life?  Where would you live?  Who would be the focus of your time, talent, and treasure?

These questions are at the heart of WISEgenerosity.  Regardless of our circumstances, we all have opportunities to make our lives and the world around us better by sharing with others from the resources available to us.

How do we make the best use of our capabilities?  W.I.S.E. generosity.  By that, I mean giving and living that are Well-grounded, Inspired, Satisfying, and Effective.

The Generosity Journey

Like me, you likely have witnessed the positive power of selflessness over the broad range of human activity.  Inspired by such examples, I embarked back in 2013 on a conscious Generosity Journey.  My purpose has been to explore what giving is, why it is important, how to do it well, and the means by which it benefits us individually and collectively.  What you will read in these posts going forward is based on the resulting experiences, reflections, and relationships.

This blog is an invitation to walk together on an inspiring path.  Along the way, we will encounter wisdom of the ages, fresh ideas, and wonderful people.  My hope is that you will join with me in this conversation and discover enhanced motivation and direction for your own Generosity Journey.

The Generosity Paradox

A cynic might say that anyone doing good really is trying to gain something for herself or himself.  Even a sympathetic viewer of generosity could concede the point.  People who give do seek approval, recognition, connection to a cause, support for an improvement in the world, and opportunities to reinforce their own gratitude and love.

At the same time, sharing and caring also involve giving up something.  We sacrifice time and energy and resources if we take something that belongs to us and use it for the benefit of someone else – for a greater good.

Generosity is a paradox: “A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.”[i]  How can giving away add to our lives rather than subtract from them?

Think about generosity in the context of money.  Money is like a seed.  It’s inert and lifeless on its own.  You can accumulate and even hoard it, but it does no good by itself.  Money and seeds by nature have a purpose that is sparked only when used.

Seeds come to life when planted.  In order for planting to work, the seeds have to be scattered.  You have to let them go and spread them around.  They then require the fuel of soil, water, and sun.  This letting go and then nourishing leads to life and growth and ultimately to harvest.  What were tiny seeds become a rich bounty to be gathered.  This gathering then leads to wealth.

In contrast, if the seeds are hoarded and never used, nothing happens.  You have a pile of potential, but it remains lifeless and inert.  Likewise, money never used for a useful purpose is worthless.  One must scatter in order to gather.

The same is true in other aspects of life.  Our time, talent, skills, capabilities, and other resources are meaningful only if we share them.  This act of giving “costs” us.  But it can produce much more in return for ourselves and for others than we put in.

The paradox of generosity is at the center of existence: we must give in order to receive fully.  The reverse also is true: we must be willing to receive in order to be fully gifted.  We must be open to nourishment and encouragement by others.

Looking Ahead

In the following posts, we will explore how WISEgenerosity enables us to live a richly meaningful life.  We will seek to understand together, WHYgenerosity?

Let’s begin….
